It's time once again for Mama Kat's Weekly Homework Assignment! This week, I chose the following prompt: 10 reasons why you’re glad it’s Fall.
In no particular order ....
10. Football season! I love football ... college and pro. I can't get enough of it, probably partially due to fantasy football.
9. Halloween - I've always loved Halloween ... ever since I was a child. I can't wait to share Halloween with my daughter!
8. Leaves - I used to LOVE leaves ... especially jumping in them. Now, I have to rake them, and don't love leaves nearly as much ... but still love the colors.
7. Cooler weather - I can only take summer for so long ... it's nice to get a break from the heat.
6. Fishing - A few months of trout fishing in October and November ... I dig it!
5. The new fall TV season - I love The Office, Community, and a few other shows ... no more reruns!
4. Thanksgiving - I get to see my family, and I loves me some turkey!
3. Setting the clocks back - gives me an extra hour to sleep in!
2. Oktoberfest - Great celebration!
1. Baseball playoffs - go Phils!!!!
Passing The Baton
1 year ago