It’s creeping up on us. That time of year. You know, that time where you spend frivolously on gifts and presents, and try to reach expert-status with regards to your gift-wrapping skills
** On a side note, I suck at wrapping gifts … or at the very least, I’m inconsistent at it. My mom once made me rewrap my presents after she glimpsed the wrapping train wreck that I had produced.**
I normally love buying gifts for family and close friends. Unlike most others, I actually enjoy the whole Christmas shopping experience – even shopping at crowded stores with precious few parking spots.
However, I do not enjoy shopping for my parents. They are practically impossible to shop for. I once bought a wok for my mom when I was 13. I thought it was the coolest gift in the world. Unfortunately, I didn’t take into account that my mom was German, and would never have any use for a wok. Fortunately, she took me aside after she opened the present and informed me that my purchase was indeed stupid. I took the wok to college unopened.
I remember the “Santa’s Workshops” our Elementary School used to have around Christmas. This would be like a mini Christmas shopping experience for students. I bought my dad a screwdriver set once from this workshop. The screwdrivers were all the same, but they had multi-colored handles. I thought, at the time, that this might be the greatest gift ever purchased.
Why do I bring this stuff up? Well, I need help. I need some ideas and suggestions on something to get my parents for Christmas. Let me add, that they do not like gift certificates. They think this is a cop-out. Any suggestions (both serious and humorous) are greatly appreciated.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
I do what my late grandpa from Hawai'i does, I wrap my presents in newspaper and use string as ribbons!
Your mom made you rewrap your presents that you already wrapped??? HAHAHAH... loser!
I HATE shopping. I do most of my xmas shopping online now. I hate crowds. Damn crowds. I hate em.
My parents are difficult to buy for also, I get my Dad some hard cider, and my Mom some liquor (which is always what they request anyway)... plus the occasional flowery bush thing. (Your mom should have been happy for that present even if she didn't have a use for it... it's the thought that counts - not the present)
I don't remember Elementary School. I think I was hatched, I remember swimming in a lake when I was very young.... with other tadpoles. I think I may be a frog, ribbit!
Alcohol can never go wrong for parents. Moms like flowers. What about books? Get them some good novels.
I love your parents, but they really need to get over it with the gift certificate thing. Gift certificates rule!
I say buy them a 24 pack of German beer and some big ass Hickory Farms sausage. Who doesn't like beer and sausage, especially German people?
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