1. Johnny Damon signed with the Yankees yesterday. I guess it shouldn’t be a shock. With the way baseball is, if you are a good baseball player, sooner or later you’ll probably be playing with the Yankees. Certainly for small market teams, they have to find creative ways to even remotely stay competitive with a team that can basically buy every player in the league like the Yankees could. Some people claim this is good for baseball. I’ve heard the arguments, and I’m not sold on them. Sure pure capitalists and the far right-wingers (I consider myself a moderate) love this. It is what America is all about to them. Don’t worry about the rest of the baseball teams in Major League Baseball. Survival of the fittest. Screw revenue sharing. Forget about salary caps. Competition blows. Level playing fields????? F that! Parody is so bloody overrated. Who cares if the NFL is successful?
2. I just figured out another petty thing that I hate. I thought of this nugget this morning as I was getting out of the shower. I really, really hate getting out of the shower in the winter-time. The cold feels borderline unbearable. I know – I need some cheese with my whine. It certainly is colder in Siberia, Alaska, and the Clinton bedroom, but it still is a bit unbearable, at least in my mind.
3. Sue and I are going to Caesars in Atlantic City on Thursday night. We got a one-night stay comped, which is totally cool. I’m really excited, mainly because I am addicted to the Wheel of Fortune slot machine. Ever since Vegas, I have had “nightmares” about going to casinos and not being able to find this machine. I wake up in sweats screaming “No!!!!!!!!!” because of this. What’s that Gambler’s Anonymous number again?
4. Did I see a preview of a movie that involved Jim Carey, and was actually a comedy? Now, if we can only get Tom Hanks to do Bachelor Party 2, the universe will once again have a semblance of balance.
5. I read on cnn.com (I think) that Brittany Spears is suing US magazine for printing a story regarding Brittany being worried that one of her “posse” has a videotape of her and her husband doing some nasty sexual things on camera. I am torn on this. I am so repulsed by Brittany, her music, her marriage, her W.T. qualities. But, I usually enjoy watching these provocative videos of celebrities. I’m not sure if I should watch this if I happen to somehow receive a copy of it.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
1. Don't care.
2. Mmmmmm... nuggets... chicken nuggets.... *droooool*
3. Nightmares about Casinos? Amateur. I have nightmares about aliens, demons, WW2 games, and giant purple pancakes trying to eat me! Casinos, indeed.
4. Jim Carey is annoying.
5. Meh. Watch it. Just another dumb blond bimbo slut getting railed.
1. Johnny Damon hits close to home for me. I have always looked at the Red Sox as my baseball mistres. That is, I love my Phillies, but I have this passion on the side for the Red Sox. And I've followed Johnny Damon since I saw him play in Wilmington for the Blue Rocks. This does sting. It is the baseball equivalent of Hulk Hogan joining the NWO. What we need is someone on opening day at Yankee Stadium to suddenly play over the PA Jim Ross' voice saying "MY GOD, THAT'S JOHNNY DAMON'S MUSIC!"
2. You in the shower is not something I wish to discuss any longer.
3. If you're getting comped a room, that means you're doing more gambling lately. I'm not one to judge since I've played my share of blackjack in my day. Be sure to have a hoagie at the White House for me.
4. Jim Carrey should only do comedies forever. If he ever takes another serious role, someone needs to stop him.
5. Yes, Britney is annoying and untalented. But I'd sure watch her in that video. Her body is still pretty hot.
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