As a driver of a car, I must admit that I am partial to the rights of automobile drivers everywhere, and I tend to take their side over the smug pedestrian. People who lack mobile transportation always whine about how they are always neglected by their brethren with vehicular transportation. And although this may be the case in many a situation, a reoccurring incident happened to me yet again this morning.
As I was dropping my wife off in Old City, I was making a right-hand turn onto 5th Street from Walnut Street. I saw a pedestrian speeding up his walking pace to cross the street – in my mind he was doing it just to slow down my commute. As he got to the street, he decided to slow his pace, totally ignoring the car that was trying to turn.
This kind of stuff infuriates me. I understand that pedestrians have the right of way, but please show a little respect here. I have no problems letting you cross the street, BUT IF YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE CROSSING, AND YOU ARE TAKING YOUR GOOD OLD TIME, EVEN THOUGH YOU KNOW YOU ARE HOLDING UP TRAFFIC, I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU. Show some respect, and you’ll get some respect. You are not the only person in the entire world that matters, jackass.
Here’s another one – now, pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks, BUT if they cross somewhere else, that is illegal. I’m not trying to be a stickler for the rules, but if you are crossing, and you are not at an intersection, AND you are pulling the “I’m a pedestrian, and I’ll walk at any speed I want while ignoring oncoming traffic” routine, then again, I have a problem with you (for those of you who actually make an effort to cross at a faster pace, you are as good as gold in my book).
So, do us all a favor, pedestrians – let’s make an effort to help with the traffic problems, and walk a little more briskly across streets. You’ll reduce some aggravation.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Bicyclists in the street suck!
If a person doesn't have enough sense to get out of the way when there is 2000+ pounds of steel hurtling at them at 55 mph, then they deserve to be roadkill. It's survival of the fittest, baby, and these guys are idiots.
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