I don’t know why these things have crossed my mind, but I figured I’d share them with you all, and wait eagerly for you input (that sounds very pornographic – so never-mind).
1. You know how when you are swimming and open your eyes under water and everything is blurry? Well, I was wondering if the opposite happens for fish. If you take them out of the water, will their vision get blurred by air? Or, is their vision blurred in the water as well? (I know, whoa, Ogre, that’s heavy)
2. What exactly is the difference between tonic water and club soda? I don’t drink many mixed drinks with either of these in it so that is why I’m asking. Also, what is the difference between birch beer and root beer? I am not a connoisseur of either of these, but for some reason, I think they taste the same (or at least very similar).
3. For some reason, I was thinking about Elizabeth Perkins the other day, and I realized that she must’ve had one of the best agents in the world, because somehow, she got leads in movies, and she is really not that attractive of a lady. Any other actors or actresses that should be paying their agents double?
4. Can Jay Glazer be taken seriously as an NFL analyst if he is also an announcer for PRIDE fighting? To me, this is sort of like Merlin Olsen doing commercials for Teleflora – I mean, how can we look at him as a former NFL tough-guy AND analyst when he is trying to shove flowers up our asses?
5. So, I hear that David Lee Roth is getting canned by FREE-FM. Now, I am about as surprised by this as I am by the way the Phillies are playing right now (hey-yo). But, here is the surprise – rumor has it that CBS-Radio is replacing Roth with Opie and Anthony … that’s right, the same duo that got kicked off the air for playing sex in a church on the airwaves (they will still do their show on XM, but 3 hours of the 5-hour show will be broadcast on CBS-Radio). So, let me get this straight – CBS basically forces Howard Stern off the airwaves by strictly enforcing FCC guidelines, instead of fighting the FCC. Then, they replace Stern with the much less edgy Roth (who would’ve thought that would ever be said about Roth) for 3 ½ months, basically to appease the FCC. THEN, when their stock goes into the toilet, they replace Roth with the much more controversial Opie and Anthony. What does this say about CBS-Radio, other than they have no idea what they have done, nor do they have any idea what they continue to do? I don’t hate Opie and Anthony – I listened to them a bit when they were on afternoon drive a few years ago. Sure, they were childish, immature, and repeatedly crossed the lines of decency and good taste – I have no problems with this as long as it is funny. But, how can CBS justify this move? Why exactly did they get rid of Stern again (I know, Stern basically quit, but CBS forced him out)? How can XM allow this to happen? Are they getting money for this? Will the show get watered down? Will this work? Will CBS actually put up a fight with the FCC when the FCC threatens them with fines? Does anybody care?
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Were you stoned for the first three points?
CBS Radio is a ship where the captain is drunk and out of control right now. Putting Opie and Anthony in an edited version of their satellite show is the second worst idea I have ever heard in radio, second only to giving Roth the job in the first place. But at least with Roth, they tried something new. Opie and Anthony are retreads, and editing their show from XM is watering them down to boot. So now, they are putting on watered down retreads in the former Stern slot.
And the worst part... the same guy running the ship had both of those ideas.
Oh by the way... XM is getting in bed now with CBS Radio and Clear Channel at the same time. That company is whoring themselves out to the big terrestrial radio companies. It's amazing. Clear Channel forces them to play commercials due to their agreement, and CBS takes one of their biggest shows and cuts it down. XM is like a crackwhore taking abuse from their pimp.
Sometimes, I am ashamed to be a part of terrestrial radio.
what is the difference between birch beer and root beer? I am not a connoisseur of either of these, but for some reason, I think they taste the same (or at least very similar).
Blasphamy -They do not look nor taste the same.
Root Beer is a sweet, brown carbonated soda made with herbs. It is almost always non-alcoholic.
Birch Beer is a carbonated drink containing an extract from bark of birch trees
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