I know I’ve vented about this a few weeks ago, but it’s getting worse. Seriously, these politicians must be billionaires with all of the mailings that I’m receiving. Every day, I get numerous advertisements stuffed into my mailbox – when I come home from work, and I see my mailbox ready to explode, it really gets to me.
Maybe I’m the only one here, but I refuse to read ALL of this junk. I want to start some sort of grass-roots movement that eliminates this waste … however, outside of writing about it, I’m just too damn lazy. However, I’ve come up with a solution.
I am going to vote for the politician who sends me the least junk. That’s right, maybe some reverse psychology will reverse this nauseating trend. Starting today, I’m keeping track of the political junk mail, and basing my voting on this. I encourage all of you to do the same.
Besides, is there really a better way to pick the politician you want to vote for? They are all corrupt to the gills anyway … and they ALL see-saw on issues more than kids playing at a park. I sent an e-mail to two politicians (Santorum and Casey – a hotly contested Pennsylvania race) a few weeks ago after I watched one of their putrid debates in which all they did was yell at each other, try to speak over each other, and just make a mockery of the entire political process.
In my e-mail, I told them both that I felt ripped off that I would have to vote for one of those two candidates, and openly questioned how either of them could possibly consider themselves the best candidates that their parties could find. They both repeatedly uttered the phrase “Let’s talk about the issues,” but neither of them ever even bothered. What’s the point, anyway? Why should they talk about issues, when they can gain viewership by continuing to be obnoxious jerks. I told them that they should take their show on the road and do some sort of Ultimate Debating/Fighting pay-per-view to help them finance all of the junk mail that they keep sending me. To this point, I haven’t heard anything back…
There, that felt better.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
You're just as bad as they are. Deciding who gets your valuable vote based on paper consumption? Pretty lame.
Yes, the candidates flip flop. Yes, there are crooks on both sides. I fully agree.
Though I applaud you for the e-mails, and I think more people need to call these guys out more often for these displays. There are better ways than ads and debates to get a candidate's position on the issues today, like through their writings on their websites.
Many of the candidates lay it all out on the web for you to read and decide. Granted, it's their writings which are definitely biased, but it's better than relying on an ad.
Morning Los, I agree with you and side also regarding being overwhelmed by words. Words to me are either pretty powerful or pretty cheap. I suppose it all boils down to the messenger. What I love to do when indundated with mail is save it and mail it back. Ooh I love exerting negative karma.
something i heard on the radio this morning (which i know has been done in the past, i just never cared).. but they listed off the local newspapers and who they were "supporting".
doesnt that kinda defeat the purpose of unbiased journalism? isnt that a conflict of interests?
im sure this practice has been going on forever, and its amazing that we allow that to happen...
people bitch about seperation of church and state and all that crap, where they dont wanna have two things mixed together.. well, i see this as the same basic thing. how can u report unbiased news when u come out and 'side' with one political party over another?
smells like donkey dung to me.
Rev - I think my solution is better than just going in blindly and pulling the big lever to vote straight for one particiular party.
FM - I think i might do that next time - thanks for the advice!
IAM - Great point. however, I think we are fooling ourselves if we think newspapers or any media is bias.
get it all out
Where are you and why are you so quiet?
Sorry - had to play catch-up ball here at work, because I missed Friday.
LOL ;o)
The voting polls provide a booklet, the booklet identifies the candidates running and their political platforms.
The primaries are the best time to aquire these. It really helps to see past the mud slinging that is going on w/ the candidates this year is worse than any other year I know of.
I am a independant so I get both parties calling me and soliciting my vote as an independant I can "swing" the vote. ;o)
If that is how you are going to pick you candidates, based on paper useage, you might as well just write in "Oprah or Trump." My Dad used to joke that he voted for "Mickey Mouse". ;o) I get that joke now that I am older!
Have a big ol bonfire with the spam mail and take pics of it. Send it to the fuckers and tell em that you aint gonna vote for none of them because they're ruining the environment with their waste of paper :P
Reverse is always the way to go. If they're willing to pay the money to buy your vote... let it be bought.
FM - Whaddup?
Reverse - My mailbox takes the punishment, though.
Have a bon fire. Invite us.
My personal favorite is the celebrity phone call... during the last election we were phoned by Martin Sheen, Sharon Stone, and of course, Arnold Schwartzenegger.
Glue the box shut. "F" with the mailman.
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