I normally try to stay away from doing political-type stories, mostly because I have a hard time stomaching politics (yes, on both sides). However, a recent event occurred that I feel the need to discuss … and no, it doesn’t have anything to do with the Philadelphia Mayoral race (which is quite stomach-turning in its own right). No, this has to do with the governor of New Jersey, Jim Corzine.
As some of you may know, Corzine ultimately replaced Jim McGreevey, the governor who came out of the closet a few years ago, which is news in itself. But, Corzine decided, unintentionally, to try and one-up McGreevey … and, no, he didn’t attempt to videotape a three-some with circus midgets and post it on Youtube … at least, I don’t think he did.
To give you a little background on the state of New Jersey (and no, not the background of it being the armpit of the U.S.), the state was one of the first in the nation to put together tough seat-belt laws. These laws basically make it unaffordable to take the chance of driving your car around without a seatbelt on.
Corzine, being the governor, probably decided that laws don’t apply to him … much like most politicians. He decided not to wear his seatbelt … so far, not that big of a story. However, he was being driven by a state police officer … o.k. getting a little more interesting. The state police officer was driving over 90 miles per hour … wow, getting juicy. And Corzine’s vehicle ended up being involved in a rather serious car wreck.
Corzine had many broken ribs, in addition to a broken leg, and several other injuries … the state trooper, who was wearing his seat-belt, ended up being o.k. A few lessons here – first, seat-belts are pretty important when you think about it. Second, sometimes people have it coming to them … it’s called karma.
As of right now, Corzine hasn’t been charged with anything. But, if it were anybody else, would they have been charged? Is there a double standard here? What would be acceptable for Corzine to do at this point? Is an apology all he really needs to give? If he needs to do more, any suggestions?
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Corzine's karma ran over a dogma...
Three points to add here:
1. What kind of moron doesn't wear a seat belt in Aggressive Driver Hell, aka New Jersey?
2. Upon Corzine's release from the hospital, his car was clocked at 70 in a 55 zone.
3. Not unique to NJ. PA Gov. Rendell was clocked over 100 mph on the PA Turnpike NINE times in Nov 03 - March 04 alone -- and "told his state trooper drivers not to exceed 80 mph 'unless they need to pass or unless there's some real exigent circumstance.'"
Here's my solution: when a public official commits a moving violation, replace his official drivers with DUI convicts for a month.
Corzine would've buckled his seat belt if his driver had belched like Barney Gumble.
I thought I heard that he paid the $45.00 and called it a day.
Had my daughter been in the car, he would have heard a repeated chorus of "Click It or Ticket."
I say make them all ride with children in the car. That will teach them some much needed responsibility. And imagine if they had killed someone! Geez!
Idiots. And the government wonders why we have no respect for them...
hypocrisy is rampant in politics
Now I heard something about Corzine wanting to do a national tv show interview - to get some kind of sympathy across the nation.. and agreed to do it only if there was no New Jersey electronic media present. Whatever that means. A lot of people think he has had Washington D.C. as a goal from the get-go, and he sees this as his chance tell the country, Hey everyone!! Look at me!!!"
Not only do I not understand not wearing a seat belt yourself, what I don't get is people who don't buckle up their kids. To me that's the worst. You wanna kill yourself, fine, but don't put your kids in danger.
Aaaaand, I am sick and tired of people of influence offering lame apologies for bad behavior. I am not sure how to get through to these people beyond public humiliation and hitting them in the wallet. Yes he should be charged, yes he should have to pay the fine in triple because he's an idiot and he should lose his priviledge to be driven around. He should be handed a helmet and a 10 speed and sent on his merry little way.
What the hell happened to the driver going 90 frickin' miles an hour? Huh?
I detest seat belts and one even saved my life. I just don't feel someone should tell me to wear it. My opinion only. That said, he did pay all of the medical bills out of his own pocket (not taxpayers) and hey, it's not my state, so. *shrugs*
Throw the book at him, Danno.
i think this just proves that the sharpest tools in the shed don't get involved in politics anymore.
sadly, I used to be an AVID seatbelt wearer...then I started a vending business, where I would start the car go 1.5 miles then get out, load, unload...repeat 10X a night...I got out of the "habit" of attaching the seatbelt for MYSELF.
Then along comes my niece. who is 4..."Aunt Bambi..Buckle up for safety".....Out of the mouths of babes!!! LOL o)
Not getting a ticket is just another example of politians "doing what they SAY not what they DO"....
~shakes head~
As a FF-Wife I've seen first hand how devestating it can be when people get into even a "low speed" collision with out a seat belt and someone gets ejected. There is nothing more tragic and senseless than seeing a child laying dead on the road because their parents didn't want to rock the boat by making them wear their seat bels.
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