So, Britney Spears won 3 … count ‘em … 3 MTV music video awards at the VMA’s this past Sunday. As you can expect, I have some questions:
1. First, why is MTV even given out music video awards still? Do they even show videos anymore?
2. Wait, when did Britney make new videos? And, did anybody else see the video before she won the awards? And, if so, where?
3. Did Britney win these awards ONLY because she agreed to show up at the VMA’s?
4. When was the last time anybody really gave a flying rat’s ass about the VMA’s?
5. Will we see a Michael Jackson comeback attempt on the VMA’s next year?
6. When will MTV decide to change the name (and of course, formats) to the VRT’s (video reality tv)? C’mon … you know that’s gotta be coming soon, right?
7. Who was that British host on the VMA’s? How did MTV make the decision to go with him? And, why wasn’t he even a little bit funny?
8. How drunk does one have to be to be able to not only watch, but enjoy the VMA’s?
9. Are the ESPY’s better than the VMA’s?
10. How many “artists” did you recognize at the VMA’s?
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Agreed. The VMA's are a place to get artists over and to revive sagging careers.
I am still not sure how Brit got off my island and got back so quickly. I need to check the security fence.
who? huh? :-) I've blocked it all out... life is so much better that way.
One question I have...
Why did you watch?
Crass -I'm tellin' ya, mark my words ... MJ is next year.
Scargosun - You're getting lax!
Alaina - I might need to take that advice!
Rev - I didn't watch. My wife did.
Yeah, and your dog farted.
The real question: How many trophies for Britney at next year's Vivid Video Awards?
1. You know you're getting old when you're mad at MTV.
2. I like your wife.
3. Britney Spears is hot and I'd totally bang her.
4. VMR's is not a half bad idea...LC totally deserves "most whiney"...CT "hottest Inferno contender"...Coral "Oldest Inferno contender"
I think you're just mad because they didn't ask you to host this did that guy beat you out!?!
I didn't even know about the VMAs or Britney winning three until I was at the grocery store an saw it on the cover of one of the rags.
I haven't watched that shit SINCE they showed music videos.
Seriously, I didn't even realize that Britney had any music out this year... wasn't she busy um, shaving her head and in rehab or court or something...
Also, yeah, videos on Mtv? Surely you jest!
Jeff - A few years ago, I would've liked to have seen that ...
Mama - I'm mad because I never saw the hosting tryouts ...
Sandi - You would've been better off not picking up one of those rags...
Heff - i can't remember the last time I watched MTV.
Kristin - some people debate whether Britney ever truly created music ...
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