Man, I'm getting old ... recently a couple of my closer friends turned 40.
First, Babs (check out her blog here) met her through my wife Schue, and even though she started off as Schue's close friend, she's now my close friend too. She's probably one of the funniest people I know, and can usually put me in a good move with one of her wild and wacky South Philly stories. She knows how to throw a great party, complete with fantastic food, and she's pretty darn good at walking on coals. She's also a rabid Philly sports fan (which of course will gtet you on my good side every time).
Second, Jeff, a good Penn State friend of mine recently turned the big 4-0 too. This guy has a good sports mind, and usually is able to help me see the glass as half full - especially with the Phillies and Penn State (I often have very critical things to say about both these franchises - he shows me the positive side). Of course, he's also been a very good drinking buddy - as was evidenced by the fantastic bus trip to the PSU vs. USC game in the Meadowlands a few years ago (let's just say we didn't make too many friends), or one of the many Penn State nights at the local bars (I'm so busy, I don't even have time to ...). Thanks inviting me to your get-together - I had a great time!
Thankfully, I still have "quite" a few years 'til I turn 40 ... well, at least a few years...
Passing The Baton
11 months ago
And our favorite sober story: "Mrs. Spanier must not be getting it done at home." "Well, she IS an English professor."
I'm losing it -- completely forgot Sunday to tell you, "Nice seats, Karl."
Very happy you could make it Sunday. Too bad the Straight Man didn't come ... on the other hand, my liver still works.
I'm getting nervous about 30... it's only 2 years away for me. EEK!
I refuse to turn 4-0....I stopped having the birthdays at 30...Im not getting older...LOL
Then again, they say 30's are the new 20' who knows...maybe the 40's are the new 30's????
40 doesn't suck so bad, at least if you don't experience it alone. BTW - look on my left sidebar under my profile. There's all the original Butlik songs you can stand, lol.
I am 36.
There I just said it.
4 years away from 40.
I'm 4 years away - but I am looking forward to being in the best shape of my life in my 40's!!... so I better begin exercising soon, huh? Ugh!
old balls
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