CNNSI posted a story about college football's unusual trophies a few days ago, and of course, since I'm a college football fan, I had to read it. Now, before I begin my "rant," let me assure everyone, I am a big fan of tradition. Thanksgiving day football games are a staple of my life. I'm also a big fan of the day after Thanksgiving football game that I participate in.
But, there is something to be said about updating traditions ... and by looking at some of these "trophies" that these college football rivals play for, I think this cements my argument. Seriously, playing for a big jug, or an old skillet may have been pretty cool in the 1930's, but at this point, it's kind of stupid (my opinion).
Why not "update" these trophies - make them really cool ... or better yet, why not do something totally outside the box - here are just a few ideas I have:
* How about playing for the right to hang your logo on the centrally designated monument of the opposing college? Talk about bragging rights!
* Let's make it interesting - how about some sort of "financial" bet, in which maybe a computer room gets donated by the losing team to the winning college.
* How about intriguing bets by the college deans in which the winning team gets to somehow "embarrass" the opposing team's dean ... make him (her) dress like a baby, and take a picture with the opposing team, that can be displayed on the winning college team's website.
You get the idea, don't you? What are some of your suggestions?
On a side note - Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
New tradition: the Penn State-Michigan State loser keeps the hideous Land Grant Trophy.
(For those who haven't seen this monstrous bowling trophy gone wrong:
I have a rather pressing College matchup to watch this weekend my damn self...
Bet the cheerleaders!
Losing team has to give their women to the winning team for an orgy.
rev nails it
How about the losers get debagged and radished. Good old British tradition is that...
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