Mama Kat had a prompt that interested me ... actually, she usually has a prompt that piques my interest, but that's besides the point. Anyway, one of her prompt is "Normal is ..."
I have never considered myself normal, but I come from a middle class working family, you know - the kind with 3 kids, lives in a nice suburban neighborhood. So, this got me to thinking - what exactly is normal? It took me a while to think about it, and I still haven't come up with an answer.
For something to be considered normal, it sounds to me like it is the "average" of other things. For instance, "normal" body temperature is 98.6 degrees, but I'm guessing there are many "normal" people out there who don't have a 98.6 degree body temperature.
How about this - a normal family consists of a mother and father, and 2.5 kids. With that definition, is anybody at all normal? If you have two mothers, does that make you abnormal? How about if you live in a 1 parent household?
The more I got to thinking about "normal," the more I realized normalcy is an unattainable thing ... yet, we're still judged by how close to normal we are. Wow ... did I just get philosophic? Sorry about that.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Nobody is normal.
Normal people don't write 5 paragraphs on defining normalcy.
I did the Normal is promt this week. I looked at it the way you did at first. Then I got to thinking about it and thought......I need to write about what is normal for me. :)
I didn't even want to attempt that one for that very reason. As soon as I wrote it I kind of went cross eyed from thinking too hard and quickly had to turn on a re run of the Bachelor to turn that thinking part of my brain back off.
Your post was thought provoking's so true!
Now excuse me while I go turn on a re run of the Bachelor again to stop this pounding in my head...
Normal is kind of scaring me today.
We have our own kind of normal at my house.... "normal craziness"
Normal? The is discussed in Sociology classes world wide. Normal for who? What is "normal" in India, may be a delicacy in another.
Mostly society determines what do "most" of the people do and accept it as a cultural norm. That means that MOST of the people will have the same reaction to the same situation.
I think education, SES also determine what people accept. Swearing for example. In an upper middle class home, kids are not allowed to use those "naughty" words, where in some less educated SES challenged homes words like Sh*t F**k are used all the time.
Fun story. I had a parent that we called in because the student was using foul language. The parent then turned to the child and started yelling and using the very same curse words that HE just got in trouble for. LOL That's where he learned it!
ahhhhh haaaaa moment!
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