I'm a big fan of ketchup ... well, who isn't? I love heaps of ketchup on my fries, burgers, heck, even on hot dogs! I've never had a problem with ketchup - to me, there's really no way to improve it. However, some companies do not share my feelings.
In an effort to take ketchup to "infinity and beyond," ketchup companies have decided to make ketchup available in a variety of colors. For some reason, somebody in a board room with a tie came to the conclusion that red is not an ideal color for ketchup, and that other colors like blue, green, and yellow need to be added to the ketchup pallet. Did these people do customer research, and if so, did they really get feedback trends that were based on the actual color of ketchup? "Man, I love ketchup, but I really wish that it was blue." "You know what's missing with ketchup? Color variety, that's what!" This has to be the dumbest idea since the clear cola phase, right?
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Au, Contraire !!!
I actually tried green ketchup a few years ago when it was released to the general idiots...I mean Public.
Strangely, the stuff seemed to taste BETTER, although it looked VERY weird on food.
i will be using red ketchup only
I only use red and it has to be Heinz.
@Heff that would explain "green tomatoes"...LOL
Blue ketchup??? That is the smurfiest thing I think I have heard of!
Perhaps the tie in the meeting was SOOOOO board that he came up with the ludicris idea just to keep awake!
I hate ketchup in almost every situation, but it can never be anything but red. ... babspeapod
There's enough Nitch areas where green ketchup makes sense:
There's the St. Patty's day 'everything must be green' crowd...
There's teams who's primary colors are involve green- if the Eagles played the Cardinals, you'd look cool tailgating since you had Eagles green ketchup and not Cardinals red ketchup...
There's Halloween parties where the green ketchup will gross people out.
Earth day, where you can be green with your ketchup.
ok, maybe i'm stretching...
I'm not big on ketchup, but it should always be red. It's the natural order, and you just don't screw with the natural order.
I LOVE ketchup - but changing the color is pointless. Plus, how can we continue to make our low-budget cop dramas and slasher pics if the ketchu..I mean blood isn't red? And yellow ketchup?? That's just stupid. The mustard is going to be pissed!
Anyone have any horror stories on making Ketchup?
One more thing, LOS you need to start polling people with these questions.
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