I've been hearing more and more people using the term "Cheers." I think Cheers is OK to use whilst toasting something/someone with a shot. I totally understand that. However, I'm hearing more people use the term in other situations ... and I'm not sure I like it. Maybe in England it's ok to do this, but what about the States?
I've heard people use the term "Cheers" to thank somebody, or to say hello/goodbye, or even use the term when somebody produces a zinger. If I made a funny comment at or about somebody, another person would say, "Cheers."
I'm not on the fence about this at all. Folks, I HATE, HATE, HATE THIS!!!! Nope may not be a strong enough word for me. I think people think the term "Cheers" is trendy. NOPE, NOPE, NOPE!!!! It's not trendy. It stings the nostrils! Stop saying it, darn it!!!!!
So, how do you feel?
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
That's definately a nope. I haven't never heard anyone say that.
I do know people that if you say something they agree with they say "I'll drink to that." That's dope to me.
Being on a bus with 40 Australians for a month swayed me from nope to dope on this one. They say it for nearly everything, in situations you'd never even think it would be used in.
Even though I'm not on that bus anymore, a 'cheers' definately slips out every now and then, and no, I'm not asshamed of it. Actually when it does slip out it reminds me of the awesome time I had with those crazy Aussies.
punch to the nose if someone says that shit to me
I agree, it sounds stupid unless you're clinking glasses. ....babs
yea...it's totally dorky. Unless you are clinking glasses or talking about the show..it's the only time is should be used.
Is it really any worse than calling something "dope"?
It's ok to use if you're English and/or live in England. But as a trendy word? No.
Nope! This is something that should be done when a bunch of friends sit down at a table, and kick off their first round of beers. Aye!
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