There was a time when beer commercials were very, very funny. Who could forget those Bud Light commercials of the 1980's with the "Can I have a Light? A Bud Light" tagline, or the Spuds McKenzie commericals, "Wazzup" commercials, and the lizards. The commercials now are mediocre at best, and just down-right putrid.
The Coors Light commercials over the past few years in which they take a press conference of a former NFL coach, and make a spoof out of it makes me want to repeatedly stick a fork in my eyes. It was mildly annoying when I first saw it a few years ago. However, much to my dismay, the fine people of Coors have continued to ride this "Schtick." Heck, even the Chevy Silverado commercials think that the Coors press conference commercials are stale.
However, much to my surprise, a couple of my friends don't share my feelings. In fact, some of my friends even profess to find these commercials humorous. Not sure if I have to re-address my friends or if I need to re-address my thoughts about these commercials.
Anyway, what do you guys and gals think?
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
I have to say I find the commercial semi amusing. It didn't get a belly laugh, but it did cause a chuckle at a couple different points.
I'm gonna say DOPE.
Boring, but I ignore most all commercials anyway. ... babspeapod
If you don't think those commercials are "dope" then you're just NOT drinking enough beer to begin with.
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