It seems like most cell phone companies offer "mail-in rebates" for popular phones. You buy the phone at the list price, then you send in a receipt with the UPC code, and in 4-6 weeks, you get your rebate. The thing is that most cell phone companies do not give you a check ... nope. Instead, they give you a rebate "gift card," which acts like a credit card.
Seriously, I'd much rather just have the check. Why are you making me use this stupid gift card? Do I even have an option for a check (I believe the answer is no, by the way)? Why do they do this?!?!??!? (I know the answer - so that we can continue buying more, more more!).
How do you feel about this? Shouldn't a rebate be given as a check (or at the very least, shouldn't you be given the option to take the rebate as a check)?
NOOOOOOOOOPE.... The worst part about these stupid cards is you can't even pay at the pump with them because most places run the authorization for $75 and the cards are usually for $50. Then say you use $25.01 of the card. The next time you better make sure that you know there is $24.99 on it or it will be denied. When I waited tables people would come in with these and say "I think there is about $20 on it." Then I would have to play a freaking guessing game to figure out how much was actually on it. End rant.
NOPE. Cellphones are "of the Devil" anyway.
NOPE. If I'm getting a rebate, I want a check.
i'd like my rebate to be paid in gold, beer or pizza so nope for me
nope. and I'll add that if Sprint does that for my Evo I'm going to maime someone.
It is annoying but if I get one of these I just use it for stuff I'd by anyway like groceries so it all works out. TAKE THAT, REBATE DEMONS!!
Rebates are a charade. Give me the discount up front.
This is a question of the ages. Cash or Credit.
I'm nope on this. Give me the cash/check!
I need it to fund my trip to Japan....becasue I'm now Chinese....because of this:
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