As some of you may know by now, I often get into really pointless and stupid conversations with friends about meaningless subjects. Thankfully, this past Sunday was no exception. Smokin’ and I were at a local bar watching the Eagles game, when we somehow got onto the topic of dipping sauces. I’m not even sure what led us to this topic, but we dove into a heated discussion on what exactly constitutes a dipping sauce. And, I’m not totally sure we came up with a definitive conclusion, so any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
One of our major sticking points is whether ketchup should be considered a dipping sauce. Smokin’ claimed that it was obviously one because one can dip French fries or onion rings in it. My argument was that it was more of a topping than a dipping sauce, because you can put it on hamburgers, hot dogs, and even eggs (ewww.). Additionally, one can dip French fries in a pool of vomit, but I wouldn’t consider a pool of vomit a dipping sauce.
We got a little deeper into the nuts and bolts of dipping sauces. To me, ketchup on its own, is not a dipping sauce. However, if you add cocktail sauce or horseradish (also not a dipping sauce in my opinion) to it, I believe it then becomes a dipping sauce. Another example would be mustard – not a dipping sauce in my opinion. Honey is also not a dipping sauce (although, it is a great tea flavoring). Mix the two together and it becomes honey-mustard sauce – a sauce fantastic for dipping chicken fingers in.
But, where does this leave barbecue sauce. It is an excellent flavoring for foods one can grill (chicken, ribs, and even steak for that matter). However, go to any fast-food restaurant, and you can order this as a dipping sauce. Can this truly be considered a dipping sauce, though? I’m not sure. This is why I need your help.
I think it is very important that we can (together) come up with a list of conditions or rules in order for something to be considered a dipping sauce. I am willing to listen to all suggestions, no matter how “out of the box” they are.
Oh, and yes, I know – I really do need to discuss more important things in life (but hey, if we can spend months and months waiting for a picture of Tom Cruise’s baby, why can’t we discuss topics like “what constitutes a dipping sauce?”).
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
there is no definitve answer on this because marinara sauce should not be considered a dipping sauce but what else would you dip a mozzerela stick in?
I say it's not a dipping sauce if it is not served in a tiny little bowl thingie (ramakin i believe is the word)
Kethcup is a dressing, just like mayo and mustard. Not a dipping sauce.
the real answer is every sauce could end up being a dipping sacue because the operative word is dip.
Fried Calamari gets dipped into marinara sauce.
Dumplings get that soy sauce.
but alone they are merely sauces, stripped of the "dipping" title
I'm a honey mustard man myself. My favorite thing to do at Bucknell when it was chicken finger day was to combine the honey mustard and the sweet and sour...that was kick ass!
El Padrino - Thanks for the detailed (and correct, in my opinion!) response!
Dirty Birdie - Thank you for doing research on the subject. You went above and beyond the call of duty.
Corey and Carson - hmmm, honey mustard and sweet and sour mixed together? I'll try anything once.
Jeff - Beer makes a good dipping sauce.
I think it all depends on how much 'plate room' one has left after stacking on the food.
If there is enough room on the plate to put ketchup in it's own little pool, then it's a dipping sauce.
But, if there is no room (or any of those little funky bowls) then you have to pour it on your fries/nuggets/whatever and it becomes a topping.
I don't think there is any true answer for what a dipping sauce is or is not, it all comes down to perspective and personal taste.
I consider ketchup a dipping sauce cause I dip my fries in it... I'm not going to pour it on my fries because A: the fries would get all sticky to hold and B: the fries will get soggy.
I've ordered burgers with ketchup and dipped fries into those white ketchup buckets at Wendy's.
Kethcup can be both dipping sauce and topping in my opinion... same for Ranch.
Wow, interesting dynamic, Dirtie Birdie - But with that theory, would chocolate be considered a dipping sauce for ice cream cones?
Reverse and Ink - Take a side, you wussies.
I think the key to something be a dipping sauce is it's versatility. For example Ranch is definitely a dipping sauce because what doesnt taste good dipped in Ranch.
For me a dipping sauce's are mainly appetizer type things. Anything that is served with appetizer/finger foods. So Honey Mustard is a dipping sauce but Mustard isn't. Neither is Ketchup or Mayonaisse
Lisa - excellent points all around. More importantly, can dipping sauces be considered food, much like soup?
Chocolate would be considered a dipping sauce for ice cream cones... Don't dis the fondu!
I have no idea. However, I've never considered ketchup a dipping sauce.
All you need to do to make ketchup a dipping suace is to spice it up.
Add some rosemary to it or something. Then you got a dipping sauce.
LOL Jeff, that's funny.
And Los - I will NEVER choose a side... just to piss you off!
I don't think dipping sauces can be considered food... else they'd be called dipping foods.
In the end, it's all personal choice, you wanna call something a dipping sauce? Go ahead. You wanna call something a condiment or topping?? Go ahead too. It's not going to change what I call the sauces or how I eat my food. :)
And what's this deal with needing to label everything, Los?? Does the mysterious and the unknown frighten you??
Reverse - I'm sorry, I can't consider chocolate a dipping sauce - it is more a guilty pleasure.
Steph - I agree with you - this is why I put the post up, to see what others think.
Smokin' - it has to be more than just some herbs. It's gotta be something with more substance, like Thousand Island Dressing, or something like that.
Jeff - Ham should not even be considered a foo, darn it!!!!
Ink - Don't you dare try to tie everything together and says things like "it's a personal choice." I won't have any of it!!!!
God, we need to get you two a hobby or a good vibrator. Wait a minute, that wasn't for you men...nevermind.
Okay--how about this...What's the difference between a condiment and a dipping sauce? Is that the difference between them?
I would consider ketchup and mustard a condiment and honey mustard a dipping sauce. Ranch and other dressings...that's where it gets complicated to me...
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