So, our new Pope decided to finally “make a splash” with one of his speeches last week, and it ended up sending a major ripple through the Muslim world. Basically, the Pope read a quote from a previous Pope from about 800 years ago, in which that Pope said something to the effect of Muhammed wanted to spread his religion by sword. Now, I just want to preface this whole blog by saying I normally try to avoid the political and the religious, because, frankly, you guys probably get enough of this through the newspaper, television, and other places.
However, this latest “incident” and the “repercussions” vex me. First, what Benedict said was about as smart as Andy Reid’s fourth quarter play calling. I’m not sure his motives, but he basically decided to dig at a wound that just never seems to heal.
That being said, I’m really starting to get tired of these extremists in this so called “peaceful” Muslim religion. What better way to disprove the Pope’s claims that you aren’t a peaceful religion than by killing a nun and starting riots all over the world? Unfortunately, because of these few (I sincerely hope it is only a few) senile, misguided, warped-minded extremist leaders and followers, the way I view the Muslim religion as a whole is probably flawed. BUT, it seems that the rest of the Muslims are in no great hurry to do anything about restoring the integrity of this religion, and therein lies the problem.
I often hear that many Muslims are upset because of the racial profiling that is going on in this country (and probably all over the world at this point). Well, why don’t you do something positive about it, like maybe do more than say “boy, those extremists are terrible.” Stand up against these extremists – show the rest of the world that you mean business, and you are ready to clean up your act. Once you do this, maybe you’ll get more respect. Just an opinion – you are free to disagree with this all you want.
The shame of it is that outside of a few Muslim leaders publicly shaming the extremists after 9/11, I never saw any outrage, nor any moves by the Muslim majority to separate themselves from these psychopaths. I’m sure there were some things done that I never heard of, but I expect more, and everyone should demand more.
About a year ago, a French guy did a comic depicting Muhammed with a bomb on his head – basically showing that the Muslim religion has become very violent. Again, what did they do to “prove” the French guy wrong? Yep, you guessed it. They rioted, and threatened his life. “If you don’t believe I’m peaceful, I’ll convince you by terminating you.” Is this your message to the entire world? If so, nobody will ever respect you.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
due to my severe hate of the muslim religion i cannot comment on this topic without sounding like a bigot.
Go Giants!
i can fully see your points and while i'm all for diversity in people and culture, violence in any form wether in be in the name of religion or for country, i don't condone.
i thought too how ironic that in protesting the violence of that cartoon was with violence.
So in order to aviod discussing the Eagles, you pick this topic?
Man, you really didn't want to discuss the Eagles today, did you?
In the right corner weighing 210lbs with a height of 5'10" Pope Benedict.
In the left corner with a 155 lb weight and a 5’5” height average, 1% of the Muslim culture, the fundamentalists. Tap gloves and come out fighting.
I live in 'Muslim central' here in Detroit. Like el padrino, I gotta refrain on this one.
Go Panthers!
El Padrino - Considering you are a New Yorker, I understand your hatred.
Molly - I am all for diversity, but everrybody has to be able to get along.
Rev - So, in order to avoid talking about the Muslim situation, you pick the Eagles to talk about?
Reverse - Ba-da-bing!
Christina - Didn't the Panthers lose yesterday?
Ya ever see Benedict on TV??? I swear he looks like one evil person. The quote was from a Byzantine Emperor, I heard.
That's the thing, Los. It's not the extremists who are saying they're peaceful, it's the moderates. The moderates ARE peaceful, but it seems to me they are doing enough to defuse the ire of their extremist brethern.
What you say here can also be applied to us. Many of us despise the Bush Regime as it stands. So how come we aren't doing anything about it?? Because we can't (not legally at least). Hell, the Bush Regime stole the last election so voting for other candidates doesn't even work anymore.
I love my country, it's my government I hate.
Dirty Birdie - Here's what I don't understand. Why the media are not saying anything about this? Why can't any media source say, "Hey, isn't it weird that these people are being hypocritical?" Why can't this be said?
Jeff - I never heard that about John Howard - finally, somebody with some balls!
Just what would you like the moderates or peaceful Muslims to do?
Do you think it's fair that they should risk their own lives just to make others not hate them for something they didn't do?
That makes no sense.
When the whole world is running scared of the extremists, why should peace loving Muslims stick their neck out to be hung.
Their damned if they do, and damned if they don't.
Just to add my two cents - I just think the "peaceful" Muslims should do more than just being silent about what the extremists have done, if they want others to respect them - that's all.
I'm right there with you, Los.
If there was somebody in your neighborhood.. causing some real trouble.... You're losing business and credibility in the township. People are starting to hate your neighborhood..... You and your neighbors would get together and run them out of town. You wouldn't stand for that.
I know that even if these troublemakers tried to blend into the town, the citizens would know who they are and could report them at any time. And be anonymous about it if that was a problem for them. All I'm saying is that the good people out there need to step up and point out and/or flush out the bad ones.
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