Three years … this week I celebrate three years of being married. It came as a shock to me, as I’m not sure how my wife has done it. I really thought that nobody was capable of putting up with me for that long. And the funny part is, I think she still loves me. How is this possible? Does this seem appealing to anybody – a guy who loves sports, the Rolling Stones, and pro wrestling?
My wife and I originally met on a blind date. I don’t think either of us thought much of it. I know she probably lost interest, when the first topic of conversation that I mustered was political talk – specifically, how I thought John McCain would’ve been a better president than G.W. Now, let me make this clear – I hardly EVER talk politics, mainly because the mere thought of all of the political corruptness on both sides makes me vomit internally. But for some reason, this was what came out of my mouth.
Sure, the date eventually went better, and we ended up having a good time, BUT usually the first impression you give is the one that most people remember. The first impression that I got was, “Wow, this girl is really cute!” This probably explains why I came up with a brainfart of a topic to discuss.
After a few days, I called her, but she didn’t return it. I figured I’d make one last ditch effort to talk to her on a Saturday night, prior to a party I was going to. She ended up picking up, but she sounded tired/sick/uninterested. The call lasted maybe 5 minutes. That’s it, I thought. I went out that night not expecting to ever hear from her again.
To my surprise, she called me the next night, and we had a cool 45-minute talk – she later told me that this convinced her to give me another chance. And we never looked back. I guess I convinced her that outside of the dopey political talk, I am actually fun guy. Another plus is that she loves sarcasm, and she has learned to enjoy the Rolling Stones. Of course, she never did get into pro wrestling … which is probably a good thing. Another good thing is that we have numerous tv’s in the house, so she can watch her reality shows and HGTV, while I can go upstairs and watch my Philadelphia sports teams flounder.
I can’t imagine my life without her. She is my best friend, and she has a knack for making me laugh when I’m in a bad mood, and we ALWAYS have fun together. Plus, she’s a piece of ass.
Sorry for the cheesy blog post. I just wanted to let my cutie know that I love her.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Los, that is so excellent. I loved loved loved this post. She's a lucky lady.
P.S. Please set me up on a blind date. I'm pretty cute bitchy and independent.
sweet & gay
FM - I DO have some single guy friends, but I'm pretty sure they aren't worthy enough for you.
ElP - Sounds like a new dipping sauce.
Los: It's been a while, try me.
oh yeah Los, change your html for My Big Fat Head link -- goes to a Japanese link.
FM - oh yeah, I haven't updated that (it was Smokin's old blog site).
speaking of vomming internally..
IAM: Ha ha ha. Vom and the other abbreviated misguided attempts at being a hipster are vom inducing. Leave Los alone.
IAM - I hear ya, I hate when others blog stuff like this. I guess I should've nominated myself as asshole of the week.
FM - With a post like that, I deserve to get kicked in the nuts.
Zeke - Nope, didn't forget the anniversary. Unfortunately, I have no excuses ... much like the Flyers, Eagles, Sixers, and Phillies.
Like a good porn star, you learn to take it on the chin.
Los, I changed my mind. You're a fag.
maiden, i changed my mind, youre a homophobe.
and i abreev e'ything i possibly can. kna'mee?
IAM: I am what I am. You like me or you don't. I could really care less.
That was so beautiful Los. You really should show her. Think of the brownie points.
I think this post is proof of the part of you that won your wife over. Id be willing to over look your love of pro-wrestling for that level of friendship and faithfulness.
Happy Anniversary.
(and thanks, you two, for being one of those couples who give the rest of us hope.)
Los; I'm eclempt overa here! Tawlk amoungst yourselves..~blows nose~
*sniff *sniff*
Well thank goodness for 2nd chances to make a good 1st impression? LOL ;o)~
Would you get mad if I agreed that your wife is a hot piece of ass?
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