I’m sure you local Philly people read or heard about this story, but for those of you who haven’t – a principal in an Allentown school district was arrested for dealing crystal-meth (http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/news/16807399.htm). Now, that would be strange, and just wrong in itself, however, the news about what was discovered when the cops arrested him in his office is laughable, to say the least.
According to news reports, the cops entered his office to arrest him, when they discovered him naked, watching gay porn, with sex toys. Many questions come to mind when reading this story. First, and foremost, how the hell could this guy rise all the way up to principal of a school without anybody noticing his … er …. Um … tendencies? Don’t you think other teachers would’ve or should’ve caught onto this guy long before he got to his place of power?
I remember when I was in high school, and there was a teacher who was the “cool teacher.” I think most people can remember a guy (or gal) teacher they had in school who was the “cool one.” Usually, this teacher had long hair, dressed kind of scraggly, usually had rock and roll posters or pictures hanging in his (or her) room. Yep, he was the guy that most people agreed probably still smoked pot on a regular basis.
Heck, I even had a teacher who used to play the harmonica in the stalls when he was “taking the Browns to the Super Bowl.” But, I’m pretty sure that I’ve never had a teacher, or principal for that matter, who ever chose to watch porn naked in his room, whilst also being a drug dealer … I’m pretty sure I would’ve found out some way about this (and hopefully not the “wrong” way, if you know what I mean).
Another question is, what is an adequate penalty for this schmuck? Think about it – he probably was probably a pretty influential figure in the school – or at least I would think someone with his title would be. Was his school zone one of those “drug free school zones,” and if so, will his penalty be substantially higher than a school that isn’t a “drug free school zone?”
Finally, what about his secretary? I’m guessing she was (a) so oblivious and stupid that she probably wasn’t even qualified to bag groceries, or (b) an accomplice to this. I mean, did she take orders for the principal? Who replaces this guy as principal? Does the school board opt for a more hard-line person, or will they try to find somebody that can continue supplying them with the “hook-up?”
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
OMG, you're so right how in the hell does a guy like that manage to climb up the ladder of power? really his secretary had to be in on it, no one is that stoopid! at the very least you think she'd hear the porn music through the door
That is so bizarre! You're right though, SOMEBODY knew what was going on there. They had to.
Is the secretary deaf, how do you now hear whats going on in the office? I would imagine if he has the audacity to watch gay porn and stick dildos up his butt at work he probably wasn't to concern about volume control. Perhaps she just chose to ignore it, or thought he was just doing some sit ups or something.
Um, didn't his secretary wonder how he always got the "frosting" from his cinnabon everywhere and why it was stuck to the ceiling? And never actually SAW any cinnabon's enter the building?
This douche bag deserves to get gang raped by a group of prisoners on meth who have elephantitis.
Teachers are tremendous gossips, so faculty not knowing (over the course of his career) fails the sniff test. And he should get the undesirable lower bunk in prison.
I was going to ask you if this one would make it to your other blog. I'm glad to see that it received the full attention such a heinous act deserves. Keep up the good work.
Maybe the secretary ratted him out?
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