After today's grocery shopping trip, I am CONVINCED that a grocery shopping class should be developed. In order to be allowed to grocery shop, you would have to pass this class. On numerous occasions today (and in past grocery shopping excursions), I was close to going postal. I'm amazed at the lack of simple logic that many people experience whilst getting groceries. Below, are just a few of the ignorant "mistakes" that I noticed:
1. People leaving their shopping carts in the very middle of the aisles, impeding traffic to flow smoothly. I absolutely love this. I sit and stare at these people. and they seem to just ignore me while they go about their business. I want to take the shopping cart and make these people swallow the wheels.
2. When I'm looking at items, like soup, it is inevitable that somebody will place their cart in front of me, again, seemingly not being able to even see me. Are these ass-hats hypnotized by the plethora of advertisements that are seemingly overloading their limited brain functions?
3. People who will place their carts next to someone else's cart, eliminating any possibility of anybody passing through the aisle. Is it really that difficult to move your cart out of the way?
4. People that bring their kids with them, and absolutely not caring what their kids are doing. Again, these kids clog up the aisles, run into other shoppers, knock over displays, and just make the entire shopping experience miserable for everyone else. Shouldn't you, at the very least, be making sure your kids are under control?
5. People who go grocery shopping with their friends, and who take multiple carts around, again, clogging up every single area of the supermarket. I don't have a problem if you want to make shopping a social event, but follow some sort of rules, like making sure that you allow others to maneuver past you and your posse. I know it's hard to believe, but there are others who are shopping.
There, I feel better. If you have any others, let me know!
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
this is why i shop during off hours. late at night when there are fewer asshats pulling this kind of shit.
"I sit and stare at these people. and they seem to just ignore me while they go about their business."
Well, maybe if you said "Excuse me, can I get through?", they'd let you through. Standing there saying nothing won't work.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
That's what she said!
1. Just do what I do... SMASH your cart into theirs and then say "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I had enough room to get through!" but say it sarcastically.
2. So, do they actually block you or do they pull off to one side so you could get by when you're done looking at soup?
3. As #1, but hit BOTH carts.
4. As #1, but... just kidding!
You forgot one.
If there is no bagger when you check out, BAG YOUR OWN FRIGGIN' GROCERIES!
guilty of all of the aforementioned sins.
but, i also am of the mindset that men should stay the hell out of the market... because although i'm there daily and i've got my 3 kids with me and i wander off and leave my cart and my purse often - usually in pursuit of one or more the 3 kids... men don't know where anything is and that makes them more annoying. ;-)
Old people are rude these days, especially at the grocery stores. Anyone else notice this besides me?
The clogging of the aisles is brutal. It's like the dunce on the left won't move, so then the jackass on the right says "Well why should I move then?" Oh, and cell phone usage seems to add to the delay.
Nope, sorry, the worst is the idiots who hold up the checkout line while their spouses go find the remaining items.
Don't get in the freaking line until you have everything!
UGH!! I have no choice now but to shop with the crowd because I am not about to make my chilis stay up past their bedtime to shop when I want...alas, I can absolutely relate to this post.
1. I swear to God, this is my BIGGEST pet peeve. It's completely inconsiderate. I hate it!! I sometimes just leave my cart at the end of the aisle and make like a NASCAR grocery-shopping qualifier to grab the one item I need, which leads me to your point #2...
2. Or someone is there looking at the one thing you need as if they are having a staring contest with it and refuse to blink first. Even though you've said excuse me three times...
3. Again with the carts. I am VERY aware of this and strategically place my cart so people can get through. I have two good legs that will carry me the extra two feet to the spot I need.
4. Woobie gets one warning chance to walk nice, or it's in the cart he goes as punishment. He hates the cart, so he's happy to hold the list next to me to read "so I can see." A little creative parenting goes a long way, people.
5. We should just shoulder chuck these people.
This is yet another reason I shop at 2 am when I get off work.
I swear that people suffer from terminal stupidity. I can't stand when the carts are going up the isles, seamingly by themselves, only to get to them and it's a 3 year old pushing it along. Mind you the 3 year old is PLOWING innocent carts to get to the CANDY and shiny wrappers!!!
~shakes head~
I hate rude people.
Minijonb - I always fear that the bad meat is left out over night or during off hours.
Rev - Your presence is usually felt without speaking.
Ink - Ah, the subtle approach ...
Sandi - I enjoy bagging my own groceries ... weird.
Kristin - I am one of the few men who normally enjoys grocery shopping, using coupons, and saving money ... I'm weird.
Christina - Old people just don't give a rats ass anymore.
Crass - I think it's worst on Sundays.
Jeff - Oh, that's a good one!
Snow Elf - That's all I'm asking for! A little effort!
Superstar - I think they put out the bad milk at 2:00 a.m., don't they?
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