You may be aware from my previous blog postings that I am a big fan of game shows. Specifically, I love funny answers given in game shows. I found a great website that has literally hundreds of funny family feud answers:
I also found some great funny game show moments on Youtube. Just enter “Stupid game show answers,” and you’ll see. Anyway, here is a list of some of my favorite Family Feud answers:
Name something in a bird cage - Hamster
Something you'd find in an operating room - Operator
Something that comes with a summer storm - Snow
One of the three bears - Yogi
A holiday named after a person – January
One of Santa's reindeer - Adolf
Something Russia is famous for - Russians
Something that comes in pairs - Bananas
A job around the house that has to be done every fall - Spring Cleaning
A man's name beginning with the letter K - Kentucky Fried Chicken
The month where a pregnant woman begins to show - September
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Two of my faves:
Something you bring to the beach - a turkey
Something you find on a bed -- Spankit
I don't want to know what "spankit" is. .... Barbra Peapod
"Something that has to warm up before you use it: Your wife." Hey-yo!
"Something a teenage boy can do for hours at a time: Masturbate." You're still a teenage boy?
Hehe. Good stuff.
"A food that makes a noise when you eat it -- Really loud hamburger"
LOL I like the "month a woman starts showing.." heheheh September is a damn good month!!!!
Isn't amazing what you can find on the internet? heheheheh
I got my first grad school rejection letter yesterday. It was admittedly a blow to my ego. A big blow because the language of the letter was vague and therefore uncertain so I had to call and confirm they didn't want me. That, my friend, is an example of pouring salt on a wound. Anyway, this post just reminded me I'm not so dumb after all.
Name something in Richard Gere- Hamster
Babs - Spankit will forever be memorable for me for obvious reasons.
Jeff - I might as well be!
Ink - You should probably send back a really loud hamburger.
Elp - It takes all kinds ...
Superstar - Amen!
Jennifer - It's always comforting to know that there's somebody out there dumber than you ... not saying you are dumb, but ... eh, nevermind.
Crass - We had a local celebrity that was rumored to have used gerbils ...
Seriously, sometimes my brain just shuts down like that too! Today I told a man his back up tape was being naughty!! Yikes!
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