So, a story was released by Sports Illustrated on a supposed anonymous drug test that was conducted by Major League Baseball in 2003, in which more than 100 players tested positive for steroid use. Apparently, the federal government (having solved all the other problems of the world) had seized the results of the drug test for use in upcoming cases against Major League players who lied under oath.
First, let me say that at this point, I'm not shocked by anybody on the list. In fact, NOBODY'S name on this list would surprise me. Baseball encouraged the use of steroids (even if they don't admit it) to increase the popularity of the sport in the 1990's after the lockout. Everybody's guilty in my opinion - the players, the owners, the union, the agents - all of them.
The sad part is that part of the charm of baseball was always the stats ... moreso than in any other sport. Even a casual fan knows the main numbers - 714, 755, 61, 56 ... it was always fun seeing players get close to these "unachievable" records, only to fall short (the fun was in the chase). Then, steroids ruined it all - first McGuire shattering the season home-run record ... then Bonds breaking the all-time home-run record ... all thanks to juicing up. Those numbers and stats mean nothing anymore.
But, the popularity of the sport has never been bigger ... apparently, most fans could care less, as long as they see action. And action equals home runs and lots of scoring ... it's kind of like Arena football ... but in a good way (I guess).
A-Roid's admission that he took steroids in a 3-year span should surprise nobody. Not sure how his image will be affected by this ... he'll probably be better off than Clemens and Bonds because at least he admitted it, while the other two knuckleheads vehemently denied juicing, despite mounting evidence. What will this do to the relevance of the stats, or even more importantly - the Hall of Fame? Will they have a wing dedicated to the juicers? Who knows.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
I agree Los. At the time, we were all absolutely wrapped up in the Mark Maguire fever in StL... it was a huge source of pride for us. Then to find that everyone was "cheating" (and I agree that it was all encouraged by everyone--no matter what anyone else says) it made it just not as glorified. Maybe there will never be any true "greats" like the old days, but in a way, it just really makes you appreciate the old timers that much more.
First, Madonna does more harm to A-Rod's image than do steroids.
Gotta disagree. I prefer "clean" records. Whatever that is -- athletes in every sport have always cheated. Spitballs. Corked bats. Greenies (just ask Mike Schmidt). Steroids in baseball, football, track. The East German women's gymnastics team. Not to excuse it, but what's the difference? And exactly which records are "clean"?
We also don't know that steroids caused those records to be broken. An econ professor ran A-Rod's numbers and concluded steroids added 2-3 HR/year. That might account for Bonds, but McGwire broke the single-season record by 9 HR. Did steroids really have 3x the effect on McGwire as on A-Rod?
By the way, recall that nearly all of McGwire's 70 HR were 450+ feet -- steroids didn't add 100 ft each. Also, the only steroid he was known to take, Andro, was legal -- FDA didn't ban it until 6 years after McGwire hit 70. Maybe he took others, but where's the evidence?
And, don't you watch pro rasslin'?
I use HGH to improve my guitar hero scores, so I really can't comment on the baseball stuff.
do they improve your sex life?
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