I had a tough time choosing an assignment from Mama Kat this week. Everybody knows I hate American Idol. I'm too lazy to take a picture of myself. It would be too easy to write about my negative feelings about the NBA allstar game. I have way too many pet peeves to figure out my number 1. And since I'm a great brother, I never di anything bad to a sibling (cough-cough).
I decided to take on the American Idol prompt - what song would I sing if I were on American Idol. Let's see, I don't have a great range with my vocals ... and I love the Rolling Stones ... the choice of band was easy, but what song? There are so many to choose from, and I love just about all of them.
Should I go with an old classic like Honky Tonk Woman? It's a toe tapper, sure. But, it's a bit short, and the vocals aren't that tricky.
What about a newer song, like Mixed Emotions? Probably not popular enough.
Maybe a "war horse," like Start Me Up? Don't get me wrong, I love that song ... but I think it may have been a tad overplayed.
No, I think I'd choose a classic with some bite to it - Sympathy for the Devil. First, it's kind of edgy, even to this day. Second, amazingly it does allow Mick to stretch his vocal chops a little. Third, the ending of the song really gets the crowd going. Yes, I think this would be the song I'd choose ... although if you asked me next week, I'd probably choose a different Stones song.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
I say you work on it a bit and then do a vlog for us. Yes?
Lots of good choices!
PS: I hate idol too! :)
I'd choose Waiting on a Friend.
Paint. It. Black.
try a non-stones song
Archie's "Sugar Sugar"
and for the record I did a research paper on, "Sympathy for the Devil" in highschool. Best bullshit paper of my life. Got me an A.
At least you can sing - unlike some of us. If it was me, it'd be the shortest song in history or else the gong show would be back.
I'm with blueviolet - go for it.
Good Luck. I'm not in the US so can see it, can't vote. But good luck!
"Just waiting on a friend"
You would sing It's Raining Men.
You and American Idol in the same sentence is making me laugh so hard, it's hard to type....
You sing...LOL OK, I would so vote for you!
Whatever song you'd pick, I'd expect to the see the broom guitar. ... babspeapod
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