1. As some of you know, Lost is one of my favorite shows on TV … the writing is nearly flawless, and for the most part, the acting is fantastic. It does a masterful job of blending humor, drama, suspense, and symbolism (in addition to struggles between science and religion). Probably the only real thing I hate about the show is that they take 8 months off between seasons … by the time the new season starts up, I’ve already forgotten about key storylines. This show is one of the few exceptions to the dumbing down of society by television (Heroes is similar, but the writing and acting isn’t nearly as good).
2. Oh well, so much for the Flyers … they dropped 3 in a row against a very good Penguins team … and I doubt a healthy Flyers team would’ve been able to beat Pittsburgh. The good news is that this team is really young, and they have gained some valuable experience … now it’s time for them to learn from it. Go Phils!
3. I think I’ve had my fill with Spygate … actually, I felt this way towards the end of last year. Not sure why Arlen Spector won’t let this die … but he better have a REALLY good reason … Barry Bonds thinks this circus is ridiculous.
4. A beef and beer is being held for a friend of mine – Arty Erle this Friday. He recently had an operation to remove his cancerous colon, and the medical bills are piling up. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him … as well as a bunch of other “friends” who will be attending. We all grew apart for one reason or another … sometimes that happens in life. It’s good to know that we can put our differences aside, even if it’s just for one night. Get well soon, Art!
5. The Obama vs. Hillary saga is really not benefitting anyone but John McCain at this point. I have a hard time seeing Hillary supporters voting for Obama and vice versa. These voters will most likely not bother showing up to vote on election day. The thing is, many Republicans aren’t too thrilled with McCain … I guess that means it will be an interesting run to the White House at this point. Perot probably would’ve had a good chance at this point … any independents worth voting for at this point?
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
1. I actually watched Lost in the very beginning but it started getting so scary/weird thatit was giving me nightmares. I read the recaps now and even those creep me out.
2. "Did you say over? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? It ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough...the tough get going. Who's with me?"
3. I think the Arlen is grasping at straws. I am not sure if it's his health or what but he looks like a crazy old man and for a Repiblican, I haven't hated him.
4. I love beef and beers. Good luck to Art. I hope they caught it early.
5. See number 2. I think people will still vote. Although, I think Hillary is crapping her pants about the Edwards backing. I bet Edwards is on Obama's short list of VP's.
I've never heard the term "beef and beer" before. Catchy. I'm assuming it's a benefit?
I think the term "Beef and Beer" is Philly term.
Vote for El Pad!
One of the most dangerous places in Washington is between Arlen Specter and a TV camera.
Enjoy the beef and beer! Hope all turns out well for your friend.
lost = good stuff
Wow, we don't even use "beef and beer" over here.
Oh, wait...that's cause it's "cheese and beer"... I remember now. ;)
Get well wishes for your friend!!
One of my best friends is a Penguins fan and one of my other best friends is--well--NOT--I need to brush up on my hockey so I can finally form a true opinion. :)
oh and p.s. you know I adore Lost. I am all sucked into the plot again.
Scargosun - I love Lost ... and yes, it can get creepy, but it's sooo good! Oh, and great Animal House reference!
Alaina - Ah, it's gotta be a Philly thing.
Schue - You see, I always thought everyone knew what a beef and beer was.
ElP - You got my vote, brother!
Jeff - Sometimes ya just gotta know when to step down ...
TP - Agreed!
Snowelf - Sadly, the Flyers are getting blown out ... I was hoping they'd somehow pull the series out (against all odds).
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