Friday, May 26, 2006

Number 2's

I don’t have much time this weekend, but wanted to give ya something to read in case you are bored, or like to read my posts whilst in the crapper. I figured I’d do a fitting post regarding great “Number 2” lines that I’ve heard. I have an entire list of ‘em on my old website (, and figured I’d share some of my favorites with you. If you have any that you’d like to share, please let me know!

Here they are in no particular order:

* "I just mailed a turd to the sewer using Crapper's Same-Day Delivery."
* "I'm gonna pay a visit to the Angry Chair.”
* "I've got a meeting to attend at the oval office."
* “I just returned from hangin' bananas."
* "I have to unleash the party snakes."
* "I'm going to solid fart."
* "I'm going to 'give the brown tongue.'"
* "Time to go drown some brown."
* "I just flew the toilet kite."
* "I just tattooed the toilet."
* "I just dropped some rope."
* "I was just in the fecal position."
* "I ripped off some tree bark."
* "I got some luggage in the trunk."
* “I just released the mud eels from the butt cave."
* "I just created some dark matter."
* "I just 'Clubber Langed' the toilet."
* "I'm taking the Browns to the Super Bowl."
* "I have to download a fecal file."
* "I have a runner in scoring position."


The Rev said...

You definitely need to post more of these.

My favorite... my ass beat the toilet, 2-0.

Superstar said...

THIS IS SO FUNNY!!!! OMG!!! OK Here are a couple, I can share (thank god for "brothers" from another mother!!!):
* "I have to go pay my water bill"

* "I went to the bathroom and lost 10lbs!"

* "I need to get caught up on the circular reading"

*"I just distroyed the bathroom"

The worst has to be that invisible wall that you hit when you were not aware that someone just went #2!!! Here are some cover up lines to this moment:

*"Were you arrangin' flowers on the back of this toilet? Is that Lilacs??? WHEEEEEWWWWWW EEEEEEEEHHHHH"

* OH...MY...GOD...Child what is wrong with you and your AZZZ"?????

El Padrino said...

These are great.

Just made a batch of brownies is a good one too.

Mama en Fuego said...

* Gonna drop some kids off at the pool
* Pinchin' a loaf