Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dope or Nope ...

Black Friday ... The day the retail world works towards the other 364 days out of the year ... a day for rabid shoppers who are in search of phenomenal deals, who will basically sell their souls to the devil in order to purchase that flat-screen for $100 less than normal. Shoppers will push young children and old feeble people aside to get their hands on that super-cheap MP3 player ... it's part of the game.

It seems this phenomena kicked up big-time in the past 10 years or so, and seems to be building more steam, despite the ability for most to purchase items online at similar prices. I've actually gone out on Black Friday morning (4:00 AM) the past few years, just to test it out, and I'm never doing it again. People out there lose all sense of humanity and the rudeness and evil must hearken back to the cave-man days.

So, what do you think? Do you like Black Friday?


Heff said...

I like to watch the aftermath on the news, lol.

I'm not crazy enough to get out in that shit.

Steph said...

No friggin way! I do most of my shopping from my couch. I'd probably have a nervous breakdown if I went out into that madness.

Although, I did think about it this year to save $500 on a refrigerator. But I only thought about it for like 30 seconds.

snowelf said...

Nope. No way. I love shopping, but it makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. I can't even shop in a crowd on a normal day without getting wigged out and cranky.


Sandi said...


Jeff said...

It's great -- on Amazon.